Digital Creator Lab

Working on a digital project?


数字素养顾问是训练有素的学生准备 help you improve your digital skills. Digital Literacy Consultants can help you with:

  • 开发完成数字项目的方法
  • Learn basic computer skills for Windows and Mac
  • Determine mediums for digital communication
  • Navigate technologies for media production
  • Edit and revise projects made with technology
  • Understand basic digital ethics and safety 
  • Visualize basic data sets
  • 充分和负责任地参与互联网和社交媒体 platforms, and other tech services

Make an Appointment

数字创造者实验室(DCL)位于玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆的二楼. The DCL is staffed with highly trained Digital Literacy Consultants to help you with your digital projects. 

数字创造者实验室配备了数字技能顾问 接受过相关音频和视频编辑软件(达芬奇 Resolve, Anchor). To support this software, we offer dual monitor 计算机(mac和pc),供学生在他们的作业上进行工作和协作 academic and creative projects. 


DCL包括5个隔音玻璃隔间,1个播客 booth and 4 study pods. The study pods are for students wanting a quiet space to work among other students. Library patrons may use these booths during open library hours.

在开放的数字创造者实验室时间,播客摊位是 为想要录制和/或编辑音频的学生保留. The 播客展台配备了两个麦克风和一个音频混音器 学生们可以把他们的笔记本电脑连接起来录音的地方. 

请注意,虽然播客摊位和学习舱是为所有人准备的 图书馆用户,DCL希望在这方面优先考虑学生的使用/需求 空间,特别是在高容量的时间在学期(中期) and end of the semester).

学生可以从数字创作者实验室的设备检查 Mary Idema Pew图书馆和Steelcase图书馆服务台. Equipment 先到先得(不接受预约). More 有关设备的信息可以通过下面的链接找到.

Equipment Checkout 

数字素养顾问接受过培训,帮助学生掌握数字素养 variety of software, programs, and technology. Below are examples of 数字素养顾问可以提供帮助的技术. Please note that this list is non-exhaustive. These examples are to provide 学生对数字素养的服务种类有一种感觉 Consultants offer. 

  • Microsoft Office (i.e. Word, Excel, PowerPoint)
  • Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides,
  • Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/InDesign
  • Social Media (i.e. Twitter, Instagram, TikTok)
  • And more!

DCL位于资源市场,提供在线存储库 欧洲杯押注网页软件和硬件的异步教程 Creator Lab. 其中包括如何使用中的项的基本教程 the equipment checkout program. 

Resource Market Tutorials

Hours and Locations


 Mary Idema Pew Library (Allendale)



12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.




12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.


12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.

Meet With Us

What to Expect in a Consultation

数字素养顾问可以在玛丽·艾德玛·皮尤图书馆的数字创造者实验室在线或面对面地与您合作. With both mediums, 顾问将与您一对一会面30分钟,讨论您的数字项目. 每次咨询的内容都是不同的,因为咨询师关注的是你的个人需求. 

Consultations are most productive if you:

  • Have your assignment sheet
  • Come prepared with specific questions
  • 在截止日期之前,要留出足够的时间来完成你的项目

期待与训练有素的同行进行友好的交谈,并以改进项目的计划结束. 请随时带着项目的新草稿或更多问题回来!

点击下面的链接预约或加入我们的虚拟排队. We look forward to working with you!

Meet With a Consultant

student working together on computers

How Consultants are Trained


  • Podcasting software
  • Vlogging and video editing software
  • Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign
  • Microsoft Office
  • and more!

咨询师还学习同行咨询策略. 他们接受过培训,可以提供选择和指导,同时让你完全控制咨询. 我们是来帮忙的,但决定权在你. 

如果您对我们的招聘或培训方法有任何疑问,请欧洲杯押注 Avery Olearczyk, Digital Literacy Librarian.

Meet the Digital Literacy Consultants! 访问我们的网页,了解每个数字素养顾问的专业领域. 

Looking for Resources?

We've got you covered! 您可以在我们的资源市场中找到教程、指南表和有用的链接.

Resource Market

Frequently Asked Questions

我们有多种选择供您选择,以满足您的需求. We'll meet you in person or online, 你可以提前预约,也可以在开放时间来拜访. 如果你需要额外的住宿或有问题, 请使用下面的按钮联系Avery Olearczyk, Digital Literacy Librarian. We look forward to working with you!

Contact Us

预约是30或50分钟的咨询,预留给 you. To create an appointment:

  1. Log into Book It using your Blackboard username and password
  2. Click on "New Appointment" at the top
  3. Select the service you would like 
  4. 使用该表单选择约会的详细信息并单击 "Confirm & Schedule" in the pop-up box

Make an Appointment

上门咨询是按顺序进行的30分钟的咨询 which students arrive for them. Everything is the same as an 预约,除非你可能需要等待咨询师有空.


For an online drop-in:

  1. Log into Book It
  2. 点击页面顶部的“虚拟访问”
  3. Select the service you'd like
  4. Accept the privacy policy
  5. Click "Enter Drop-in Queue"

定期刷新“我的约会”页面,这样您就会看到 “进入预约”按钮弹出时,您的顾问是 ready to begin. 这个按钮会带你去谷歌会议室 your consultation.

Join the Drop-in Queue

是的,数字创造者实验室提供在线咨询,所以你可以 access our services from wherever you are! We use Google Meet它是Google Suite中的一个视频聊天平台. This is a free service to you as a Grand Valley student; just be sure to use your student Gmail account. The features available include: 

  • Video
  • Audio
  • Screen sharing
  • Chat
  • Document sharing
  • Closed captioning

要进行虚拟咨询,请预约或加入 drop-in queue using Book It. Refresh the My Appointments page 这样你就会看到“输入约会”按钮 pop up when your consultant is ready to begin. That button will take 你到谷歌会议室进行咨询.

Start or Schedule a Virtual Consultation

Yes! 在治疗结束时,你的咨询师会问你是否 比如把你的课堂笔记发给你的教授. A copy will 也会自动发邮件给你,所以如果你 choose to share later.

欧洲杯押注网页您的会话记录如何存储和可以 shared, please read our privacy policy.

当数字创造者实验室正在招聘,我们的应用程序将 posted on this webpage. Applications typically go live for the following year in January.

Page last modified August 21, 2024